I'm honestly getting incredible vibes of those portraits you see in Castles and Mansion that are both well detailed and serve as a plot point (Castlevania Netflix as Such).
Excellent work, But you don't need to anyone to tell you that already.
I'm honestly getting incredible vibes of those portraits you see in Castles and Mansion that are both well detailed and serve as a plot point (Castlevania Netflix as Such).
Excellent work, But you don't need to anyone to tell you that already.
Oh, thank you so much for your kind words! It makes me so happy that you like it! A million thanks! 🌟💖✨
Honestly, You need to be hired.
I love this in so many degrees. Excellent work!
Yep, This is awesome!
If you haven't been hired yet, Someone isn't doing their job
That's a pretty face
Thanks, I modeled it after my own :3
The fact you included the spiders as well. Brilliant!
"Aww, GIV Uz A hug!" Alien Probably
Do you like my sword, sword?
Sword, my Demon sword, Sword
You cannot afford, ford
Ford My Demon sword, Sword
Even if you could, Could
I have a patent!
Absolutely precious! Excellent work!
• Professional Egg & Bacon butty specialist
• I Killed Mufasa
• Wanna-be Artist/Illustrator
• Monster/Fantasy/History enthusiast
Hell (Retail)
Joined on 9/14/21