Oooh, I like this
Oooh, I like this
"Crime is totally cool, Let's bounce outta this joint and get wicked Soda! I got a Skateboard! Pogs!"
This is totally rad, bro
Much appreciated, thank you!
The only boss that everyone begged it to land so we can punch it's face. While it shoots laser beams.
You did a great job here!
With a gaze like that, Very Trust worthy.
"Where is that f&$*in snake!?" - Everyone going into the Attic.
If someone isn't hiring you, They're not doing their jobs.
I can see what you're experimenting here and I think you're honestly working with something here. Nice
Top ten, I dare say.
"Oh Bugger!" - the Astronaut
"I telling ya it aint my fault! It's that abe guy! First rupture farms, now Necrum Mines! There aint no bones anywhere! No bones, no brew! My career is over! I AM TOTALLY SCREWED! and its all that blue bastards fault!"
• Professional Egg & Bacon butty specialist
• I Killed Mufasa
• Wanna-be Artist/Illustrator
• Monster/Fantasy/History enthusiast
Hell (Retail)
Joined on 9/14/21